A program that works for women over 40, who want to look and feel good, get healthier and support their hormones whilst including their traditional foods.

A program that works for women over 40, who want to look and feel good, get healthier and support their hormones whilst including their traditional foods.

In Just 28 Days You Can See Results:

✔️ Lose Weight

✔️ Reduce Belly Fat

✔️ Look good 

✔️ Better moods

✔️ More energy

✔️ Quality sleep 

✔️ Reduce hot flushes

✔️ Less aches & pains

✔️ Better sugar levels

✔️ Be confident


Lose Weight Over 40 and Regain Confidence in 28 Days Without Dieting

Step-by-step program to improve your meals, lifestyle, and mindset to support your hormones.

Join Now To Lose Weight

As Featured In

You've tried losing weight on your own and it's just not worked...and whatever weight you loose, you regain it back when you stop your diet.


I understand some of the reasons why it didn't work in the past:

  • Your hormones, as you are going through peri-menopause or menopause.

  • You have Type 2 Diabetes, pre-diabetic, PCOS, hypothyroidism, etc.

  • You are feeling tired and low in energy all the time.

  • You lack motivation and don't feel like doing anything.

  • Could not eat your traditional meals like curries, which you missed.

  • Stopped grains like rice, roti, bread, biryani, dosas and this left you feeling deprived.

  • Disliked the taste of bland, boring diet foods that left you feeling hungry.

  • Too busy to cook separate meals for yourself.

  • Struggled with cravings for sweet or savoury foods.

Challenging Myths: Have You Been Told You Can't Lose Weight Because Of Your Age, Hormones, and Metabolism?


That is just not true!


Discover my holistic way to better health in just 28 days. I'll guide you on how a balanced approach to meals, portion control, and mindful living can positively support your hormones, helping you lose weight, reduce belly bloat, and increase your energy—all without restrictive diets, supplements, or shakes.


  • Delicious, Healthy Meals: Enjoy a variety of flavourful and nutritious meals, including traditional Indian dishes. These meals are tailored to both vegetarians and non-vegetarians and are designed to support hormonal balance and promote weight loss.

  • Satisfying Portions: Feel full and satisfied with well-sized portions that reduce cravings and support hormonal health, helping you manage weight naturally.

  • Improved Lifestyle: Up level your daily routines to support your hormonal balance and lose weight easily.  Enjoy activities, best thing, you don't need a gym membership.

  • Empowered Mindset: With my guidance, shift your mindset to overcome barriers to weight loss. Understand how your mental state influences your hormonal balance and body weight.


Look what clients said, you can do this at any age, whether you are in your 40s or even your 70s to see transformative results.

Enjoy these delicious treats, made with ingredients easily available at your local supermarket.

This program is right for you, if you..

This program is right for you, if you..

✔️ Want to stop dieting.

✔️ Want to make it part of your lifestyle. 

✔️ Want to wear beautiful dresses.

✔️ Want to look good in a sari.

✔️ Want to comfortably fit into your clothes.

✔️ Want to feel confident.

✔️ Want to be calmer.

✔️ Want to be motivated.

My Three Steps To Success


My step-by-step guidance makes learning simple, even for the busiest of schedules. Improve your diet, lifestyle, and mindset. 


Eat healthy meals, get active without a gym membership and develop enjoyable habits that nurture your body.

See Results:

With my support and accountability, you can lose weight, reduce belly fat, improve energy levels and  your overall wellbeing.

Lose Weight Eating Foods You Love

Don't believe that you can do it?

I want to tell you that you CAN do it! And if you need some proof, see what these women said after 28 Days.

My unique approach has helped so many women to get AMAZING results.  For instance, Maya lost over 5 kilos which she had not been able to do on her own.

'I have benefitted immensely with the methodical and step-by-step approach, support and guidance. Sujata's focus on conscious eating, portion control, planning meals has helped me overcome my issues with acidity, bloating and losing all the excess weight gained. While doing this program, I've never had to switch to diet meals, as Sujata guided us with our regular meals by introducing healthy habits. I felt more energetic, confident, had less cravings for sugar and overall very comfortable with my body.  Sujata is very committed to the cause of healthy eating and is genuinely interested in our success in achieving our goals. Sujata has been absolutely brilliant and I would definitely recommend her program.' Maya

Get my daily support to lose weight and look & feel good.

I'm ready!


"I have gained energy, lost weight (I have a pair of trousers which are now loose which I couldn’t close when starting), I love not feeling I am on diet and therefore have a much healthier attitude to food. I love that I don’t feel like eating unhealthy foods as much (!) and the most amazing change is that I feel much better about myself and my confidence has grown."


"I felt frustrated with diets and didn't want protein shakes. Intermittent fasting left me grumpy and hungry. Now, I feel healthier and happier without denying myself anything. I've learned to get essential proteins from my food, satisfying my meals and reducing my cravings for snacks. I enjoy the same meals as my family, which previous diets prevented. I've lost 2 kilos, seen improvements in my blood sugar levels, and I'm on the right path to aging well."


"I really enjoyed working with Sujata. I am a working mother and have been struggling with losing some extra kilos. With Sujata I learnt the basics of eating well, how to include exercise in a busy work/family life. And within a month I lost 2 kilos which I had been trying to lose for over a year! I found Sujata to be very understanding and helpful."

Join to create your own success story!

I know past diets and programs haven't worked for you. This time, let me show you a different approach for lasting results. Unlike before, where you felt restricted, deprived, and hungry—unable to enjoy traditional foods like rice, roti, and curries, or eat out and socialise—this program is different because you get...

How Your Life IMPROVES: 

Sign Up Today To Look & Feel Good

Bharti had almost given up as nothing had worked for her.  And she's so happy she joined as her jeans fit after losing 9 pounds in a month

"In the past I was going to the gym and walking but my weight wouldn't shift. And in fact, I put on more weight. My family did not have faith in me as they have seen me do different diets and failed.  But, this program has changed my mindset. 

✔️ I began meal planning.

✔️ I stopped grazing through the day.

✔️ I learn portion sizes.

✔️ I don't feel hungry or have any cravings.

✔️ I am active and know best exercises for me.

✔️ My skin looks better.

✔️ I am sleeping well.

✔️ I'm making meals my family loves.


I have lost 9 lbs in a month and I feel so great.  This journey with you has not been difficult at all." Bharti

How It Works

My step-by-step plan for you to see results

Eat Delicious Meals

  • Over 100 quick and easy family friendly recipes (suitable for vegetarians).

  • Meal planning to save time.

  • Healthy satisfying meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

  • Learn portion sizes. 

  • Eat grains like rice, roti and pasta. 

  • Have snacks guilt-free.

Healthy Lifestyle

  • Get active even when super busy.

  • Simple exercise routine, no gym membership required.

  • Morning routines for a happier start.

  • Evening routines to get a good night’s rest.

  • Find your healthy balance.

Positive Mindset

  • Set and achieve your goals.

  • Believe in yourself.

  • Self-love and self-care for happiness.

  • Make time by reducing distractions.

  • Feel calm and centred through the day.


28 Day Guided Program
Recipe books 
Suggested meal planners
Shopping list
Daily Whats app support
4 month access
Two 30 minute consultations
Bonus: Support Your Hormones
Join Today

Sabrina's happier, got more energy, lost inches all over, sleeping better and motivated. 

She saw her hair, nails and skin improve as she was eating healthily.

Watch My Client Interviews And Get Inspired.

You Can Do This Too!

Olivia's lost weight and hot flushes stopped in a month

Sharan lost weight whilst eating more food


Sharan lost weight whilst eating more food


Bharti's transformation in her 60s

Bharti's transformation in her 60s

Rama lost weight with hormonal issues


Rama lost weight with hormonal issues


If you want to FIT BACK into your clothes   

You need to stop restrictive diets.  Instead create HEALTHY HABITS.

Roshnee is looking fabulous in her red lengha! 


She signed up for a month  to get on track and be motivated to look and feel good for her special day.

Sign Up For 28 Day Program Now!

Become a confident woman who looks and feels her best...without wasting another year trying to figure out how to lose the weight.  Let me show you how we will do it together!


Don't put this off and risk your health! 


This is what can happen, if you don't start now:


- Increased Belly Fat: Limits your wardrobe choices as you look pregnant.

- Low Confidence: Feel self conscious as don't like the way you look. 

- Worsening Menopause Symptoms: Such as more severe hot flashes, mood swings, and bloating.

- Poor Sleep: This can lead to constant tiredness and increased cravings.

- Additional Expenses: The cost of buying larger clothes does add up.

- Higher Health Risks: Including diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.

- Decreased Energy: Making it tough to manage daily activities.


Let Me Help You

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any other questions, send me an email at [email protected] and I will get back to you ASAP.

Hi, I'm Sujata and a little about me...

I'm a mum to two teenage boys plus Jasper my cockapoodle.  I'm a certified health coach and a cancer coach, living in London and have been working with my clients all over the world for more than 10 years. 

For me, getting healthier was a personal journey.  This is because I had been unwell for a long time, which made me realise I had to make gradual changes to improve my diet, lifestyle and mindset.  And, over time I began to feel better.  

I understand, from my own experience, that making changes is not easy, so I will be guiding you step-by-step on what to do too. Living healthily should be simple, practical, easy, affordable, satisfying and enjoyable.


I am not a medical doctor, dietician, nor nutritionist. I make no claims to any specialized medical training, nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. It is intended to be provided for informational, educational, and self-empowerment purposes ONLY. Please consult with your doctors and then make your own well-informed decisions before starting any program based upon what is best for your unique genetics, culture, conditions, and stage of life. Any person with a medical condition should consult with their doctor before beginning this program. Results will vary from person to person and depend on what your starting point is, current diet and lifestyle and medical conditions.

Refund Policy:

As with most digital, and print offerings, from audio and eBook retailers: There are no refunds on programs or products that can be downloaded, viewed, copied or stored in an electronic format. This is an industry standard. Therefore, this program is non-refundable, so please read the full program details before purchasing any program or product. By Purchasing this program you agree to the terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclaimer.