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Is this WHY you don't feel good in yourself?
Bloating can be incredibly uncomfortable, causing a sensation of fullness, tightness, and pressure in the abdomen. It can make your favourite outfits feel suddenly too snug, leaving you self-conscious and uncomfortable. Sometimes, the only relief from bloating is to unbutton your jeans or loosen your belt, which can be awkward and embarrassing in social settings. Bloating can make you appear visibly distended, often leading to comments or questions about whether you're pregnant, which can be frustrating and hurtful.
Weight Gain
Digestive issues can play a significant role in weight management. Poor digestion often can lead to imbalances in your gut bacteria, which can then affect metabolism and how your body processes food. This then makes losing weight difficult more challenging or leads to weight gain. Additionally, issues like bloating and water retention can add to the feeling and appearance of being overweight, affecting your confidence.
Constipation can cause abdominal cramping, pain, and a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. Straining during bowel movements can lead to physical discomfort and sometimes even painful haemorrhoids. Chronic constipation can disrupt your daily routines and plans, making you feel less productive and in control. The physical discomfort and inconvenience of constipation can also affect your mood and overall sense of well-being.
Acidity can cause a sharp or burning pain in the upper abdomen, making it difficult to focus on daily tasks. Acidic flare-ups can happen unexpectedly, causing anxiety and stress about when the next episode will occur. Fear of triggering acidity can lead to the avoidance of certain foods, restricting your diet unnecessarily.
Heartburn is often characterised by a burning sensation in the chest or throat, which can be incredibly uncomfortable and distressing. Nighttime heartburn can disrupt your sleep, leaving you tired and irritable the next day. The fear of triggering heartburn can limit your food choices and enjoyment of meals, leading to frustration. Chronic heartburn can lead to concerns about long-term health implications, such as damage to the oesophagus.
Passing gas in public or social settings can be highly embarrassing and cause significant discomfort. The fear of gas can lead to social awkwardness, making you avoid certain social situations or feeling self-conscious around others. Excessive gas can lead to physical discomfort, including bloating and abdominal pain. Gas can be unpredictable, and the fear of not knowing when it might occur can lead to anxiety and stress. Gas can sometimes lead to awkward moments in intimate relationships, potentially affecting self-esteem and confidence.
I Understand You Feel So Uncomfortable. But Are You Making Some Of These Common Mistakes?
❌ Skipping meals won't help and may disrupt the regularity of digestion and lead to overeating later, exacerbating issues.
❌ Relying excessively on antacids, laxatives, and other over-the-counter medications is not a long term solution. It may provide temporary relief, but can mask underlying digestive issues and potentially worsen them.
❌ Cutting out entire food groups or severely restricting diets without proper guidance can lead to nutrient deficiencies and may not necessarily resolve digestive problems.
❌ Ignoring recurring digestive symptoms, hoping they will go away on their own doesn't work, as they still remain!
For far too long, so many have been silently suffering, believing that there's no escape from the discomfort and frustration of digestive issues that affect your joy, energy and quality of daily life.
But here's the truth: The key to reclaiming your digestive well-being lies with you. Whilst some factors are out of your control, there are three that you can take charge of to improve your digestion – your diet, lifestyle, and mindset.
Diet: Your body is a reflection of what you feed it. The foods you choose can either nourish your gut and promote harmony or bring it down. Learn what dietary choices to make to feel better.
Lifestyle: The way you live can profoundly impact your digestive system. Stress, physical inactivity, and sleepless nights can disrupt the delicate balance within. Understand the lifestyle changes that can help you improve digestive health.
Mindset: Your mindset shapes your reality. Negative thought patterns and emotional stressors can wreak havoc on your gut. Join me to uncover mindset shifts for healthier digestion.
Take charge of your wellbeing and join me over 10 days, where you will be equipped and empowered with knowledge, tools, strategies and recipes.
You CAN reduce your digestive discomfort and have a life where digestive wellness is possible.
How My Clients' Lives Improved:
"I've always struggled with constipation and this was affecting me as didn't feel good inside. After learning what to eat I am more regular and that's helped with energy levels." Darsh
"The biggest change I noticed after the program is better digestion. I feel less bloated and am more happier, calm and relaxed and have better stamina. I broke through my weight loss plateau and lost 5 kilos." Shazia
By doing the Digestive Cleanse Wellness Program, you will:
❋ Understand how to get relief from digestive issues like bloating, gas, acidity, constipation, and heartburn.
❋ Begin to enjoy a better quality of life without digestive interruptions during daily activities and social events.
❋ Feel more energised and happier.
❋ Have better sleep through the night.
❋ Regain confidence and self-esteem by overcoming embarrassment and anxiety related to digestive issues.
❋ Gain knowledge and skills for ongoing digestive health maintenance.
❋ Feel empowered to make informed dietary and lifestyle choices that support digestive well-being.
"After living with ulcerative colitis for over 20 years, I am happy that it has been in remission for more than a year now. The impact this condition had on my daily life was significant – there were times when I couldn't even leave my house. However, through learning about and implementing dietary changes that support gut health, I've seen a remarkable improvement in my condition. Even my consultant was pleasantly surprised by my remission. This journey has truly been a transformative experience in understanding and managing my health." Priya
Imagine how you will feel when your digestion improves. This is what my clients often say:
✔️ Feeling Lighter: Say goodbye to that constant heavy, bloated feeling. Enjoy feeling lighter and more comfortable after meals.
✔️ Boosted Energy: With improved digestion, you'll notice a more consistent energy level throughout the day, no more mid-afternoon slumps!
✔️ Improved Moods & Clarity: Good gut health is closely linked to your mental well-being. Experience clearer thinking and a more positive mood.
✔️ Enjoy A Variety of Foods: Discover a world of gut-friendly foods that are as delicious as they are nutritious, and enjoy sharing them with your loved ones.
✔️ Glowing, Healthier Skin: Many clients find that better digestion leads to clearer skin, reducing the need for cosmetics and skin treatments.
✔️ Reduction in Uncomfortable Symptoms: Experience fewer digestive issues like gas, acid reflux, and irregular bowel movements.
I’m going to share with you the SECRET to my clients success.
My clients KNOW what to eat to support their digestion.
"Your gut health is important – it ties into that age-old saying, 'You are what you eat.' But more accurately, it's about what you digest. If you are experiencing digestive issues it may be your body's way of signalling an imbalance. It's important not to overlook these signs. Think of it as your body nudging you to make some positive changes. We need to listen to what our bodies are telling us and work towards better gut health." Sujata
Have questions?
Send me an email at [email protected] and I will get back to you ASAP
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I do the Digestive Cleanse Program?
Who is this program for?
What's the live session schedule for this program?
If I can't do the program now, can I do it later?
Do I need any special equipment or supplements?
Is the program suitable for vegetarians/vegans?
Can I do this if I have food allergies or intolerances?
What does the program include?
Hi, I'm Sujata and a little about me:
I'm a mum to two boys plus Jasper my cockapoodle. I'm a certified health coach and a cancer coach, living in London and have been working with my clients all over the world for more than 10 years.
For me, getting healthier was a personal journey. This is because I had been unwell for a long time, which made me realise I had to make gradual changes to improve my diet, lifestyle and mindset. And, over time I began to feel better.
I understand, from my own experience, that making changes is not easy, so I will be guiding you step-by-step on what to do too. Living healthily should be simple, practical, easy, affordable, satisfying and enjoyable.
If you have any other questions, send me an email at [email protected] and I will get back to you ASAP.
I am not a medical doctor, dietician, nor nutritionist. I make no claims to any specialized medical training, nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. It is intended to be provided for informational, educational, and self-empowerment purposes ONLY. Please consult with your doctors and then make your own well-informed decisions before starting any program based upon what is best for your unique genetics, culture, conditions, and stage of life. Any person with a medical condition should consult with their doctor before beginning this program. Results will vary from person to person and depend on what your starting point is, current diet and lifestyle and medical conditions.
Refund Policy:
As with most digital, and print offerings, from audio and eBook retailers: There are no refunds on programs or products that can be downloaded, viewed, copied or stored in an electronic format. This is an industry standard. Therefore, this program is non-refundable, so please read the full program details before purchasing any program or product. By Purchasing this program you agree to the terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclaimer.