Use my FREE Healthy snack guide to take care of your cravings, lose weight and feel good
Are you a busy woman, working, looking after the family and you want to get healthier......BUT you are struggling with cravings.
Cravings happen even to the healthiest of us. Often, when a craving hits in the afternoon (that’s me!) or post dinner, we get the urge to snack. Snacking can be a bad habit to get into if the snacks we choose are “junk or processed foods”, those high in calories, sugar, salt or fat.
The trick to snacking without piling on the pounds is to find healthy alternatives to the regular snacks you might normally reach for.
We all get different types of cravings.
If it is for something sweet you may be reaching out for the biscuits, cakes, donuts or chocolate at 4pm.
Or if you feel like something savoury and crunchy you want to have potato crisps, salted nuts, Bombay mix or other packaged snacks and just can’t stop eating these.
Or you may want something sweet, cold and creamy like ice cream.
Obviously, my examples are foods you shouldn’t eat all the time if you want to be slim and healthy.
But that doesn’t mean you have to fight your cravings for the rest of your life. Instead, you just need to substitute and find healthier alternatives.
Get my FREE snack guide so you can make healthier swaps. Includes some of my favourite recipes.
What my client shared

Do you want to enjoy healthy delicious snacks, look good and have more energy?
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Sujata Din is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Cancer Coach based in London. Sujata assists clients worldwide via individual consultations either in person, by Skype or phone. She equips clients with the tools, information and strategies that lead them to better health, higher energy levels and ultimately a happier disposition. She offers individual health and nutrition consultations, leads workshops on nutrition, cooking demonstrations and pantry overhauls.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, dietician, nor nutritionist. I make no claims to any specialized medical training, nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. It is intended to be provided for informational, educational, and self-empowerment purposes ONLY. Please consult with your doctors and then make your own well-informed decisions before starting any program based upon what is best for your unique genetics, culture, conditions, and stage of life. Any person with a medical condition should consult with their doctor before beginning this free course.
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