FREE Snack Guide Book
Want to eat healthy snacks that take care of your cravings?
Get my Snack Guide Book today to make quick, easy delicious snacks.
You don't have to give up your favourite sweet or savoury treats. You can still enjoy them guilt free by learning how to make healthy swaps.
FREE Healthy snack guide
GetĀ started to take care of your cravings, lose weight and feel good

Cranberry chocolate balls

Spicy chaat bowl

Chocolate chia pudding

Apple crumble
Are you a busy woman, working, looking after the family and you want to get healthier......BUT you are struggling with cravings.
Cravings happen even to the healthiest of us. Often, when a craving hits in the afternoon (that’s me!) or post dinner, we get the urge to snack. Snacking can be a bad habit to get into if the snacks we choose are “junk or processed foods”, those high in calories, sugar, salt or fat.
The trick to snacking without piling on the pounds is to find healthy alternatives to the regular snacks you might normally reach for.
We all get different types of cravings.
If it is for something sweet you may be reaching out for the biscuits, cakes, donuts or chocolate at 4pm.
Or if you feel like something savoury and crunchy you want to have potato crisps, salted nuts, Bombay mix or other packaged snacks and just can’t stop eating these.
Or you may want something sweet, cold and creamy like ice cream.
Obviously, my examples are foods you shouldn’t eat all the time if you want to be slim and healthy.
But that doesn’t mean you have to fight your cravings for the rest of your life. Instead, you just need to substitute and find healthier alternatives.
Get my FREE snack guide so you can make healthier swaps. Includes some of my favourite recipes.

FREE Healthy snack guide
Get started to take care of your cravings, lose weight and feel good
"I would recommend Sujata to everyone whether you are trying to lose weight or just get motivated into getting fit or even if its to get her delicious quick healthy recipes. I feel my mindset has totally changed regarding food and my physical activities. I now think differently about my meals whether its breakfast, lunch or dinner. She has a great personality, which always helps and so you feel comfortable approaching her for advice. She keeps your journey varied with new recipes and different ways to incorporate exercise into your life and to change your lifestyle permanently not provide you with a quick fix."
Hi, I'm Sujata Din, Health Coach & Cancer Coach.
I've been coaching my client for over 10 years to get healthier, lose weight, improve energy levels and look and feel good.
Thanks for your interest in my FREE snack guide book. These are some of the recipes that my clients love and I hope you enjoy them too.
Not only are my clients getting my recipes, they also get my step-by-step guidance on how to create healthier habits. I'll also be sharing these special tips with you too!

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, dietician, nor nutritionist. I make no claims to any specialized medical training, nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. It is intended to be provided for informational, educational, and self-empowerment purposes ONLY. Please consult with your doctors and then make your own well-informed decisions before starting any program based upon what is best for your unique genetics, culture, conditions, and stage of life. Any person with a medical condition should consult with their doctor before beginning this free course.