Master Your Mindset.

Learn How To Keep The Weight Off Whilst Eating Your Favourite Foods Like Chocolate, Cookies, Crisps and Chevda.

Master Your Mindset.

Learn How To Keep The Weight Off Whilst Eating Your Favourite Foods Like Chocolate, Cookies, Crisps & Chevda.

I’m sure you know WHAT to do in order to lose weight.  

However, what you are most likely struggling with is HOW to lose weight and keep it off!


The problem with most diet programs is that they focus just on the food and exercise.  And as soon as you stop, you regain the weight straight back.

 My Masterclass shows you how to reset your mindset to make these changes sustainable.

Join Me To Make Sustainable Changes

“Sujata has been brilliant. I arrived at my first consultation feeling low and miserable about my weight and inability to stick to any diet or exercise programme. Sujata’s easy to follow menu plans, informative nutritional advice and gentle guidance and encouragement has transformed my lifestyle. I eat well, exercise daily and have dropped a dress size.I feel great! I no longer suffer from PMT and I have a much healthier relationship with food. I have just returned from a three week holiday and have gained no weight. This is testimony to Sujata and her holistic approach to making lifelong changes. Thank you Sujata!” VS

In order to lose the weight for good, you also need to change your mindset, or else you will just keep going around and around in circles.


Your Masterclass includes:

❀ How to get started with weight loss so you don't feel stressed, overwhelmed and hungry.

❀ Identify what’s limiting you so that you can lose even more weight and look fabulous.

❀ The mindset needed for success so you keep the weight off.

❀ What doable habits to add into your life easily so that you can maintain it.

❀ What unhealthy behaviours to let go of with minimum discomfort.

❀ Common weight loss mistakes to avoid so you see results faster.

Special price £50.  Regular Price £75.  

Join And Make Sustainable Changes

Please select your date below.  If you cannot attend live you will be sent the recording.

Special price £50.  Regular price £75.

 Sunday 26th Feb

at 7pm

✻  2 hour masterclass 

✻  Workbook

✻ 30 minute one-to-one session

Enrol now for Β£50

 Monday 27th Feb at 10am

✻  2 hour masterclass 

✻  Workbook

✻ 30 minute one-to-one session

Enrol now for Β£50

In this Masterclass I’ll be showing you step-by-step what you need to create the right mindset to succeed. 

Sheetal lost 10 kilos in 5 months

Sheetal now wears the clothes that she LIKES rather than hiding herself behind loose baggy clothes.   From a size 14 to a size 8/10 ☺️.  It's resulted in being more confident and comfortable in herself and feels happy and healthy.

βœ… She ate her Indian meals
βœ… She ate out and socialised
βœ… She didn’t exercise for hours
βœ… She saved herself time by learning what to do
βœ… She can maintain her habits

This is what usually happens when you try doing it on your own..

You watch your portion sizes.  

You try to reduce junk foods.

You try exercising a few times a week.  

You try walking daily.

And yet you still can't lose the weight for good!

If you can't understand why you haven't  seen results, then this Masterclass is for you.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions?

Send me an email at [email protected] and I will get back to you ASAP.

Hi, I'm Sujata and a little about me:


I'm a mum to two teenage boys plus Jasper my cockapoodle.  I'm a certified health coach and a cancer coach, living in London and have been working with my clients all over the world for more than 10 years. 

For me, getting healthier was a personal journey.  This is because I had been unwell for a long time, which made me realise I had to make gradual changes to improve my diet, lifestyle and mindset.  And, over time I began to feel better.  

I understand, from my own experience, that making changes is not easy, so I will be guiding you step-by-step on what to do too. Living healthily should be simple, practical, easy, affordable, satisfying and enjoyable.  


I am not a medical doctor, dietician, nor nutritionist. I make no claims to any specialized medical training, nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. It is intended to be provided for informational, educational, and self-empowerment purposes ONLY. Please consult with your doctors and then make your own well-informed decisions before starting any program based upon what is best for your unique genetics, culture, conditions, and stage of life. Any person with a medical condition should consult with their doctor before beginning this program. Results will vary from person to person and depend on what your starting point is, current diet and lifestyle and medical conditions.

Refund Policy:

As with most digital, and print offerings, from audio and eBook retailers: There are no refunds on programs or products that can be downloaded, viewed, copied or stored in an electronic format. This is an industry standard. Therefore, this program is non-refundable, so please read the full program details before purchasing any program or product. By Purchasing this program you agree to the terms and conditions, privacy policy and disclaimer.